Tag Archives: boy band

Song of the Week: Oasis by B2ST

“I believe [in] dream[s] for you and me. You are the long [a]waited rain in my draughty day. You soaked my heart and gave me courage. You made me fly and smile again, Coming into my arms and silently giving [me] happiness just like a rainbow after a shower”

Cute? Thought so. Now wouldn’t it be nice if we all had a significant other who serenaded this to us? But, for those of us who don’t (sadness), imagining six cute guys (or girls if you’re a guy) singing to us is quite satisfying in itself.

The song starts off with a catchy beat accompanied with a beautiful piano instrumental (top two ways to catch my attention~): the catchy beat to ensure addiction to the song, and the instrumental to imply a sense of appreciate that stems from the bottom of your heart. Three seconds have already passed, and I’m liking the song already!

Then comes in the vocals~ Clear and high enough to matches the background music. I love how all of their voices alternate to bring out each individual singer’s strengths and create depth to the song. Sadly, I do not know the group well enough to be able to differentiate between their individual voices…YET, so I can’t overly obsess about them in that general area.

And of course, since I’m not Korean, I wouldn’t have a clue about what they were singing about at first. But how can such a beautiful song ever possibly be about the worse side of life? Just from the bits of English phrases, the happy-ful instrumental, and the sincerity in their voice is enough to communicate their feelings of appreciation and gratitude to their listeners. Nevertheless, knowing what they were actually singing about always helps me fall in love with the song all over again. After all, who could possibly hate a sweet and cute song that is meant to be sung from the bottom of your heart? (Now, all they have to do is improve their English skills…but whatevs!I could care less at this point ^^ )

Enjoy~ Hope this was worth your time.

ShoutOut: DBSK’s Why Did I Fall In Love with You?

Although it’s a Japanese song (and I’m not Japanese), Why Did I Fall in Love with You by DBSK does not fail to touch hearts. It’s full of emotion; by just listening to it (even if you don’t understand what they’re staying), you can tell that there’s a heart-breaking story behind the song by the pain in their voices. Through the music video, the band tells the depressing story of a man in love with a soon-to-be-married woman; the song is the man’s reflection and thoughts about his one-sided love as he stands by the sidelines and watches the woman come out of the church with her newly-wedded husband.

Note: If you want to listen, please listen to the original. I have discovered that remakes in English are sadly less emotional (and thus less heart-felt) and less poetic than their original.

The storyline of this song also reminded me of another song: Big Bang singer Taeyang’s Wedding Dress. The story is basically the same, except I got the sense that someone stole this man’s woman rather than a man falling in love with a woman who already had a boyfriend/fiance in the DBSK version. Unfortunately, there’s not as much emotion in his voice than DBSK’s in my opinion. I get shivers from Taeyang’s piano bit in the beginning rather than from DBSK member’s vocal parts throughout the whole song. Still, Wedding Dress is a song that I recommend to all: Taeyang’s voice is clear runs clear through this upbeat music and his piano instrumental is beautifully composed.

Note: From the perspective of someone who does not understand Korean, the English-dubbed versions are almost as good as the original (my policy: remakes are never as good as the original, but there are a select few that come close)

Enjoy these two songs! They’re one of my absolute favorites that I put on repeat when I “re-discover” every few weeks 🙂