Daily Archives: September 30, 2010

Mischievous Kiss Ep 10: Emotional roller coaster…PART 2!

Emotional roller coaster part 2: bittersweet emotions~

This episode started off with an extremely low-spirited, highly sensitive Ha Ni who was unable to concentrate on anything because of her broken heart. Unable to live with a smile that brings happiness into everyone’s life, a depressed Ha Ni just doesn’t seem right. She definitely is her best when she smiles brightly even after being publicly harassed and embarrassed. It really made me realize how central of a role Ha Ni plays in this drama. Her every emotion dictates the overall feel and environment of the episode: when she’s happy, the episode is full of laughter and joy; when she’s depressed, the episode really plays on the audience’s compassion and pity which are then amplified by the insert songs (LOVE them! They match the atmosphere and overall mood PERFECTLY! I’m nearly always moved to tears…or at least watery eyes whenever Ha Ni and depressing-pretty song comes along). Who wouldn’t love a…character dedicated/ obsessed with the perfect man to the extent of stalking his every move? However, I must say one thing: Ha Ni, girl, you need to get your feelings straightened out. I know you’ll never give up on Baek Seung Jo, so stop telling us you’re going to forget about him and not following through in the end because it’s starting to get annoying.

Unfortunately, Yoon He Ra takes the time to further bully Ha Ni. She fills Ha Ni’s head with false facts and causing Ha Ni to worry non-stop about the relationship between Seung Jo and He Ra. If Ha Ni did not live with Seung Jo in high school, I can definitely see He Ra stealing him away from her. On the outside, she seems to be the perfect girl: beautiful, intelligent, athletic, popular… I could go on and on. BUT…I am not on her side. All she does is laugh with Seung Jo (And who was it that made Seung Jo want to experience different things in life again? Can’t here you, did you say Ha Ni?), putting on a sour face whenever he turns his attention to Ha Ni. As a result, she becomes a jerk towards Ha Ni, sweetly smiling and laughing at your pain..and making worse. She’s the quiet kind, always lurking around the corner, planning every move, sulking whenever someone messes up her plans, and calculating how to extract revenge (ok, maybe I did get a little carried away there, but you get what I mean, right?). You could really hate a girl like that.

And Seung Jo ah Seung Jo…no matter how hard I try to understand you, you always manage to surprise me. Your regretful gaze when you were leaving the house really made me question your motives, but the cold attitude you gave Ha Ni at the restaurant only pushed me in the wrong direction. How could you not have been affected by her sad face and apathetic attitude towards everything when you had that look? Really, what are we going to do with you?

Seung Jo is by far one of the most complicated characters in this drama. You never know what he’s thinking, but in the end, he always seems to be helping Ha Ni in some cryptic way that makes it appear as if he has no feelings for her whatsoever. Which…may be why he had such a troubled expression while looking at Ha Ni when he left the house to escape from his mother’s influence over him. Regardless, as long as you are still willing to watch over Ha Ni and not fall for He Ra, I guess all is good. ^^

And finally, I have to give props to Bong Joon Gu. Throughout the whole drama, he has stood faithfully by Ha Ni’s side in order to win her affections. His dedication is truly amazing, and I must say I did feel a tang of pity for him when he heard Ha Ni was spending the night at Seung Jo’s.