Daily Archives: September 25, 2010

ShoutOut: Mischievous Kiss Food!

Who doesn’t like food, especially when it’s this pretty? …No one? Good to hear! (If you said “me,” I will personally hunt you down and make you take it back.)

For all the Mischievous Kiss fans out there who have been reading my posts (and for those of you out there who have no idea what I’m talking about but love food nonetheless), have you noticed that the mom is a pro at arranging food?! I’m not sure if this is a Korean thing (because I’m not Korean), but every time she serves something, it looks so pretty~

Mischievous Kiss Ep 5

Love the new development in both Oh Ha Ni and Baek Seung Jo’s personalities in this episode! I can definitely see the two of them blossoming into a sweet couple! 😀

Anyways, Ha Ni showed more of her sweet, altruistic personality in this episode. She’s always full of emotion; she’s a free spirit, not afraid of how others view her and definitely not afraid to give someone a piece of her mind…well, for most of the time that is. Her enthusiasm to help others excel to their full potential is both courageous and altruistic, even if she sometimes ends up making the situation worse. But one thing’s for sure, it’s always more fun and exciting when Oh Ha Ni’s around!

I find it surprising how easily Ha Ni’s love for life rubs off on Seung Jo. For such a cold, reserved guy, I thought Seung Jo would be harder to reach emotionally. But, I guess a little bit of prep talks about her motivations and outlook on life, and a bit of passion and appreciation for everything she has can go a long way. Slowly but surely, the seemingly wild girl who dramatically intruded his life is now doing more damage: she seems to be warming and sculpturing his cold, apathetic heart into heart-warming and emotional individual.

Oddly enough, I don’t seem to have a lot to say about this episode, so I’ve decided to experiment with a little photo gallery coupled with some of my commentary. Hopefully y’all will like it. Enjoy~
Note: Pictures are screenshots I took while watching the episode on Hulu/Viikii.

MK Ep 5 Photo Gallery

Well, this certainly brings back memories. For those of you who have applied to college, you should know how the whole process felt like (I know I have -_-“). And for those of you who haven’t experienced the wonderful college application process…well, let’s just say that this here gives you a pretty good idea of how the whole darn thing feels like. Keep at it Ha Ni. I know you can do it! 😉

Ha Ni’s into college!!! Hooray! And everyone’s happy, even Seung Jo! Surprised? …Nah. I’m too busy concentrating on that smile to be surprised.

I’m sorry, but anyone else find this incredibly funny? XD