Daily Archives: September 18, 2010

1, 2, 3 BREAK!

Hey kids!

So, I’m going to be transitioning into college for the next few days. As a result, my blog will probably not be updated often (seeing that I am the sole blogger >.>) But not to worry. I shall return ASAP! Thank you for reading my recent blog posts. I really appreciate the support. It definitely makes my day to see how many people my little blog has reached.

Until next time!
♥ Yellow

Mischievous Kiss Ep 4: Temper issues…?

More development on the Oh Ha Ni-Baek Seung Jo relationship (with a Bong Joon Gu as a third wheel that is ^^)!

But, more importantly, this episode seemed to have a huge focus on Seung Jo’s…short temper and impatience. At times, his cold and aloof attitude drastically changes into the furious expression he (often) uses towards Ha Ni. Well, at least this is better than no expression, right? Then again, who can blame him for hating the girl who popped in and destroyed his tranquil, uneventful life that he seemed to enjoy oh-so much?

Fortunately for Ha Ni, Seung Jo is not mean enough to ignore her cries for help. Though a little outraged about how helpless and clumsy Ha Ni is sometimes, he is able to tolerate her incessant pestering. He watches over her and helps her in any way he can, even if it is to get her off his case (Raise your hand if you would wake up in the middle of the night to do someone’s homework AND spend the whole Saturday tutoring a whole class! … No one? That’s what I thought…).

Conclusion: Seung Jo is easily annoyed with Ha Ni and her clumsiness. However, this would be an incomplete conclusion. Seung Jo also seems to enjoy mocking and teasing Ha Ni, possibly for his own entertainment and/or to get revenge on all the times she has annoyed him. All we know is that Ha Ni occupies a very special place in his heart. Which other girl is able to make him frustrated beyond words, shocked speechless, and laugh both cruelly and from the bottom of his heart? (Certainly not that annoying Hong Jang Min brat >.>)

Ha Ni's cooking (left) v. Seung Jo's cooking (right) -- see the difference? -_-"

Other topics to comment about: Ha Ni’s cooking and her adventure into Seung Jo’s room at night! Seung Jo beats Ha Ni yet again -_-” (come on Ha Ni! So what if he knows how to cook an omelet? You’re the daughter of a fabulous noodle chef! You can do it! It’s in your blood!!!) He definitely has a talent for cooking, too, amidst his other talents (ie: academic excellence, running, swimming…am I missing anything?! XD). Anyways, I didn’t think Ha Ni’s cooking was THAT much of a disaster in the end. Sure, she could have set the whole house on fire (>.>), but it could have been worse. The meat was only a little burnt…much better than the mush from Yuan Xiang Qin’s mush in It Started with a Kiss if I remember correctly. Then again, I do find ISWAK very exaggerated and unrealistic compared to Mischievous Kiss (MK – 5, ISWAK – 0 read my previous posts for other (biased) comparisons.).

Ha Ni’s adventure into Seung Jo’s room at night is a bit different in the one in ISWAK. Ha Ni just seems preoccupied in getting back her English book from Seung Jo, and got a little distracted with the things on his desk while escaping. Xiang Qin, on the other hand, went in to Jiang Zhi Shu’s room and ended up doodling in the little brother’s sketchbook (revengeful and suffering from ADD much, Xiang Qin?). The doodling added some comic relief, but it dragged the scene out a longer than I thought was necessary. It also made Xiang Qin appear rather childish and thick-headed, as if ruining a child’s sketchbook was the best way to get revenge. MK’s shorter version is enough to get across the message that Ha Ni was very rather desperate to get her book back…and it was a good cliffhanger to end the episode on (so mean, but yet…so good! I definitely can’t wait to watch the next episode~) My speculation (please don’t tell me if I’m right or wrong. I want to limit the amount of spoilers as much as possible): Seung Jo’s sudden change in personality is because he is teasing her of what she wrote in her English book?

Last note: G.NA’s song in this episode is so pretty (I’m not Korean so I have no idea what she’s talking about, but I definitely sounds like it reflects Ha Ni and Seung Jo’s relationship)~ 89 plays on iTunes and counting!