Daily Archives: September 16, 2010

Mischievous Kiss Ep 2: Sweetest Couple!

Episode 2 saw much development in the plot and the relationship between Baek Seung Jo and Oh Ha Ni (they’re such a cute and sweet couple! I can’t wait to see more! ^^).  If I remember correctly, It Started with a Kiss (ISWAK) did not release the test results until later on; at least it wasn’t at the end of episode 2.

Anyways, I’m loving the Seung Jo-Ha Ni interactions so far. Clearly, Seung Jo is a very caring individual with good intentions even though he usually puts on an indifferent and cold-hearted front. He may not think fondly of Ha Ni, but he certainly does not hate her to death, especially if he can tolerate her…uniqueness and explain the test material in terms that she can understand. Ha Ni, on the other hand, is equally complex. I loved her determination to score well on the test as well as her cheerful, easy-going face in front of her friends. Her wild imagination also never fails to astound the audience and provide comic relief. However, she is a little inconsiderate of the consequences of her actions, but she makes this up with her appreciation and gratitude for all the Baek family has to offer.

And now, another reference/comparison to ISWAK. You could say that I approve of the way Mischievous Kiss filmed Ha Ni’s study sessions with Seung Jo. It was apparent that Ha Ni was struggling with the material and that her teacher at school was not exactly providing adequate lessons to optimize student performance; I do not think ISWAK had any similar element and if they did, they did not make it apparent enough. As for the study sessions with top student of the school, the Korean directors showed Ha Ni struggling because of a lack of attention/concentration. Furthermore, her ability to produce witty remarks and counterattacks proves that Ha Ni is not stupid; her poor grades were probably the result of lack of motivation and a poor education environment. With a little push from Seung Jo and some tips on how to improve memory retention, Ha Ni’s seemingly miraculous high performance on the test seems reasonable and realistic. On the other hand, the Taiwanese directors concentrated more on the content, on what subjects/topics Yuan Xiang Qin was struggling in school (ie: Shakespeare and Napoleon if I remember correctly). This approach made Xiang Qin appear rather…stupid, which made that miraculous high test grade seem more unrealistic than it should. Just another reason why it’s Mischievous Kiss > ISWAK in my opinion.

I LOVE the parents’ added comic relief in the story line.  Even though she sometimes excessively dotes upon the children, Seung Jo’s mother is, overall, a very caring character who loves to shop, cook, and spend time with her children. Definitely the sweet mother that belongs in such a drama series, but definitely not the one you want to actually live with…unless you’re ok with being (publically) embarassed by her every other day. The fathers in the drama are also very cute and enjoyable to watch when they are teasing each other and quietly spying on Seung Jo and Ha Ni.

Conclusion: the consensus is still the same–Mischievous Kiss > ISWAK; Seung Jo and Ha Ni is just about the cutest couple ever~ 😀