Tag Archives: S.H.E.

Down With Love: Episode 3

The many faces of Xiang YuPing (played by actor Jerry Yan)

Episode 3 was one of the most enjoyable, and fast-paced, episodes of the drama by far. Subtle but dramatic transformations in the personalities and perspectives of various characters keep the audience curious as to what is going to happen in the next episode. YuPing’s denial of the real reason behind his varying thoughts and emotions changes the viewer’s image of him in this drama. At times, he is childish and immature. At times, he is charming and sweet. At times, you wonder: I wish I had a man like. No longer is he the cold, ruthless lawyer and boss of the Yang sisters, or the passive guardian of the two children. Rather, YuPing has become more considerate and accepting, willing to spend time with the children to create the aurora of a happy family. Perhaps this is due to his realization of the children’s need for a fatherly figure, or because he is reminded of his childhood without a stable and safe environment. But for whatever the reason, one thing is for sure: the emotionless and inconsiderate lawyer YuPing is becoming warm and humane.

However, we must not forget the powerful effect Yang Guo has on individuals. Yang Guo continually offers aid to help others in any way she can, and it is this altruism that initially perplexes YuPing. Through more interactions with each other, a sense of family develops between Yang Guo, YuPing, and the children. Although both are forbidden to have any feelings for the other, YuPing and Yang Guo may be unable to keep themselves from feeling an emotional connection, and attraction, towards the other. YuPing has already done unimaginable things with Yang Guo, and for Yang Guo and the children of course!), such as riding rollercoasters, watching horror movies, and standing in line to buy Yang Guo’s favorite snack while being humiliated for being such a noob. YuPing is convinced that his concern for Yang Guo is out of gratitude, but we drama addicts all know that this is the beginning of something bigger…and better 😉

In addition, this episode saw the introduction of yet another character: the children’s “long-lost” mother. Turns out she did not die but instead left her children in order to pursue other greatness. Now, four years later, she reappears, requesting legal guardianship over her children with the famous divorce lawyer Xiang YuPing. Will YuPing let her take her children back after years of separation? Will the children even want to live with their mother? All will reveal in the next episode!

Highlights from the show


In order to threaten YuPing, a trio of bandits kidnapped Yang Guo and the children and held them hostage. The children managed to escape, but will YuPing and Yang Guo manage to escape from the bomb?

To get revenge from escaping running away, the bandits stick a bomb into YuPing’s mouth as they happily walk out of the run-down shed to escape the police. Apparently, the only way to prevent the bomb from exploding within 2 minutes is to hold it with your mouth. Yang Guo narrates the event with exaggerations, but keeps to the basic plotline. She intentionally leaves out the most important detail: her “kiss” with YuPing in an attempt to gain possession of the bomb to fling out of the shed and as far away from them as possible. In a Behind the Scenes special, actress Ella Chen confesses it was one of the most awkward kissing situations she had ever experienced (she had the luxury of “kissing” the famous actor Jerry Yan and…a pair of fake teeth).
Yang Guo: Let me tell you. That bomb was of the latest model. You HAD to put it in you mouth to prevent it from exploding.
Yang Duo: Isn’t that like those bombs from Hollywood movies?
Yang Guo: Exactly! You see, those bandits wanted to kill us with one shot! BUT…at that instant, the boss told those bandits that if they fired, the police would only get here sooner and catch them all! Then, one bandit took a bomb AND STUFFED IT IN THE BOSS’S MOUTH!!! But, he never thought that I, who’s sister yelled at to practice the suona (Chinese oboe) when it only cost $800 TWD…
Yang Duo: Hey! Why are you bringing this up? On with the story!
Yang Guo: Sis, thank God that you forced me to practice otherwise today I would be…How would I have the lung-power to spit that bomb out the window? Applause!
KeZhong: Wait. You just said that you spat the bomb out the window.
Yang Guo: Yup, I spat it out!
KeZhong: But the bomb was originally in YuPing’s mouth…
Yang Duo: Oh yeah, didn’t you say the bandits put the bomb in the boss’s mouth? Then, how did…? Why…?
* cough cough *
YuPing: I spat out the bomb, and she blew it out of the window.
* Yang Guo’s imagination: YuPing flings the bomb out of his mouth, Yang Guo enters and blows it out the window
Yang Guo: Sayonara!
Both: *laugh insanely *Heahheaheahheahheah…
YuPing: * chokes on spit and coughs *
Yang Guo: * imitates Andy Lau’s voice * I’m Andy Lau (a famous singer and actor from Hong Kong)
YuPing: * imitates Guo Shichang’s voice * I’m Guo ShiChang (a famous actor in Hong Kong)
Both: * sings * 对你爱爱爱不完 (translation: endless love for you) * dance and twirl; end imagination *
Yang Guo: * dumbfounded * RIGHT! That’s what happened! Right, right…
Friend: Yeah, didn’t you say that if you didn’t put it in your mouth, it’d explode?
Yang Guo: D-did I say that?
Yang Duo: Yeah! Just like those in Hollywood!
Yang Guo: No, no, they’re different from the ones in Hollywood.
YuPing: I-I think that since the scoundrel was poor, the bomb he bought was those…fake…imitations
NOTE: Yang Guo’s imagination goes wild at the end as she and YuPing make references to famous Hong Kong idols.

One big happy family…or not

The kids decide to watch a horror movie, but no one knows that YuPing is terrified of horror movies.

What a better way to end an exciting and eventful day at the amusement park than to go home and watch a horror movie with the family! But, who would have thought that YuPing would be the first scream out in terror and leave the room because he is terrified of horror movies? Right off the bat, he starts isolating himself, seeking refuge and comfort from a cushion and refusing to look at the TV screen through the course of the movie (though there are those little sneaks and peeks every once in a while ^^). Better work on those bravery skills, dude; how are you supposed to protect and comfort a lady if you’re the one who’s scared out of his wits?

Down With Love: Episode 2

Ding HuiFan vs. Yang Guo

Down With Love’s Lesson Of the Day: How to insult a girl
Tell the girl that she did a good job wrapping her chest because it looks as flat as a board. She could pass off as a boy if she wanted to!

This drama is one of the most fast-paced dramas that I have ever seen. This episode saw the introduction of a new character: Ding HuiFan, played by actress Chen ZiHan. HuiFan is YuPing’s girlfriend in his long-distance relationship with her (HuiFan is an actress and is constantly traveling to news conferences, activities, and sets). Within her first few appearances, the audience has a solid grasp on her character.

She is an interesting character. Her debut in this drama consists of reporters and paparazzi chasing after her truck, crowding around her as she grandly steps onto the red carpet that leads her into the building where she will be posing and advertising a beauty product. All she does is smile and pose with the beauty product, feigning a friendly idol in front of the paparazzi while clearly ignoring the various questions reporters ask her. Although her popularity is realized, the audience cannot help but to feel a sense of superiority, and with it, a sense of egocentric-ism that prevents her from wanting to connect to the public.

Shortly after this display, HuiFan hurries to meet YuPing in a hotel room (HuiFan wants to maintain a sense of closeness as well as separation from the public and hides her relationship with the famous lawyer Xiang YuPing). The meeting immediately becomes an alteration between the couple, with YuPing fed up with these secret meetings with his girlfriend and HuiFan attempting, and failing, to reason with him. In this scene, HuiFan appears selfish and unsympathetic towards YuPing’s requests and desires, choosing to protect her own success and career over YuPing. (We later also learn that she made a drama cast halt filming for a couple of days because HuiFan was emotionally unstable).

It turns out that after HuiFan immediately regrets her decision after answering YuPing’s marriage proposal with a breakup. She appears devastated, but quickly recovers after her managers suggests getting back together with YuPing after a three month separation. Apologies for the bitterness, but to some degree, I can tolerate with a selfish, stuck-up, inconsiderate individual, but this kind of plotting behind a lover’s back is unacceptable. She has definitely stepped out of bounds within the first 30 minutes of her appearance. Chen ZiHan is extremely talented with the standoff personality.

As I said before, this drama is very fast-paced. The character Yang Guo is also developing many relationships with the other characters. She has a very close relationship with her sister Yang Duo, one that is occasionally loving and occasionally violent. She has established a friendly relationship with the interior designer Qi KeZhong, a person who she can turn to for advice and can trust to keep her secrets.

Although Yang Guo started off on the wrong foot with this children, she is starting to gain YuTing’s trust and approval. As she moves into the little boy’s heart, perhaps she will be able to melt the sister’s coldness and distrust. There is also a hint at a possible formation of romantic feelings between Yang Guo and YuPing. Despite having to continually tease and lecture Yang Guo, YuPing seems to appreciate Yang Guo’s presence in his life. But will this possible love ever develop (because, after all, YuPing believes that Yang Guo is a lesbian which she most certainly is not)?

Highlights from the show


YuFei YuTing attempt to anger Yang Guo away

YuFei and YuTing love to play pranks on their baby-sitters in order to scare them away and get attention/some sort of emotional response from their caretaker and uncle YuPing. In this scene, the duo anger Yang Guo by hitting her and spraying her with a water gun, to the point where she throws a ball in rage. But, instead of hitting one of the kids, the ball flies over to YuPing’s beloved statue and knocks it over. It’s the end of the world for Yang Guo, but she manages to cover up the statue’s broken hand by dressing him up in clothing. Way to go!

The Many Faces of Yang Guo

The many facial expressions of Yang Guo

Ella Chen is extremely talented in the field of humor and facial expressions. Unaware of the fact that KeZhong and YuPing are best friends, Yang Guo fears that KeZhong may have blown her cover and revealed to YuPing that she is straight. After waiting for KeZhong to show up for work, Yang Guo begins her interrogation:

Yang Guo: Didn’t you just meet with my boss (YuPing)?
KeZhong: Mmhmm.
Yang Guo: D-d-did h-he mention that I was a…?
KeZhong: …a lesbian.
Yang Guo: Really?
KeZhong: Yup
Yang Guo: AH! Then…d-d-did y-you say that I wasn’t?
KeZhong: Of course I did.
Yang Guo:AH!
KeZhong: I clearly told him that you weren’t one. I also told him that you went out with a disappointing boyfriend for a very long time.
Yang Guo: AH! * Groans as she undergoes a mental breakdown, watching her world fall apart. Yang Guo eventually feigns fainting  *
KeZhong: WAH! * Catches Yang Guo as she collapses * I was only joking with you! I didn’t say anything!
Yang Guo: * Breathes…and comes back to life! * REALLY?!
KeZhong: Really.
Yang Guo: Why did you lie to me?! You scared me! If that happened, I would’ve probably been beat up by my sister. At least my sister won’t be auctioning my lungs and kidney. Oh, so close * Smiles silly-ly *

SHERO, S.H.E.’s return into the world of music

SHERO, S.H.E.'s 12th album released on 3/26/10

SHERO, released in Taiwan on March 26, 2010, marks the 12th album that S.H.E. has produced in its nine years of popularity. After over a year of inactivity in the musical realm, SHERO reminds us why the trio is still the top girls band in Taiwan. The collection of catchy songs discusses work ethics and love life, bringing both encouragement and positive messages to the public. It is definitely one of S.H.E.’s finer works and will boost S.H.E.’s declining popularity. A brilliant return, and definitely worth the long wait. 

This album also includes S.H.E.’s first Taiwanese song, 我爱雨夜花 (I love rainy night flower), as well as the duet 两个人的荒岛 (A Couple’s Desert Island) with their junior, Judy Zhou (I personally think Judy Zhou has progressed far since the release of his first album back in October 2008). 

The group’s attire has taken a different twist for this album by switching to large dresses incorporating flowers and metal. Initially, the outfits seemed unnecessary and over-the-top, but the flowery dresses accompanied with metal spikes took a major role in the music video of their cover song: SHERO. 

All three band members have also changed their appearance in the year. Selena Ren’s hair is straighter, prettier, and a different color. Hebe Tian’s hair is longer, returning to its original length after having to cut it for the drama Bull Fighting in 2007 (Tian, the lead actress, played a wealthy, kind-hearted, but hot-headed fan of the local high school basketball team). Ella Chen sticks to her traditional look, preferring her tom-boy appearance, a constant reminder of her past as her personality and style becomes more girlish. 

Ah Shin, vocalist for the boy band Mayday, wrote the song SHERO with the intent to offer encouragement to women. It is masterfully written, starting off in the perspective of a lonely young woman who tells herself to stand up (literally in the music video) and become her own hero, or SHERO. The colorful flowers on the band member’s dresses begin to blossom as they become braver and more independent. Later on in the mv, the metal spikes also blossom into flowers, symbolizing a the appearance of a hard-headed and stubborn individual, as well as adding to the powerful lyrics and meaning behind the song. For anyone who loves deep songs, or even bouncy C-pop, do not miss out on this song.

Down With Love: Episode 1

Main characters of Down With Love

How many dramas start off with a girl carrying a refrigerator on her back?

Singer and actress Ella Chen weaves her own hard-headed and humorous temperament with her into her character: Yang Guo. Her first task in the drama is to carry a 36 kg (80 lb) refrigerator on her back, walking 12 km (7.5 miles) on a 36 degree Celsius (97 degree Fahrenheit) day to reach a “neighbor’s” house to deliver the fixed mechanism, only to discover that they have already purchased a new one. Yang Guo walks away, short of her promised 500 TWD ($16), but with a bottle of tea, a box of sweets, and a smile of satisfaction. Yang Guo’s persistence and desire for profit shines through, but not without a tad of naivety and kindhearted-ness.

Actor Jerry Yan utilizes his extensive acting experience to play Xiang YuPing, a cold, heartless lawyer. After a rude introduction to the prosecution side of the case, YuPing remains calm and expertly angers the plaintiff into exposing a crucial piece of information. There’s a new twist to his case, as he craftily changes the evidence to favor the defense.

Within the first 10 minutes of the first episode, Director Ke HanChan has established the personalities of the lead actor and actress. The contrasting personalities hints at the potential friction between the two individuals. Upon their first meeting, YuPing has come to believe that Yang Guo is a dim-wit; YuPing, an arrogant, wealthy man in Yang Guo’s perspective. It is this perspective that causes an altercation between the duo in the streets of Taiwan. A lovely, and healthy, relationship between the boss and employee, isn’t it?

From the first episode, Down With Love has achieved the labels: “sarcastic,” “humorous,” and “exciting.” I predict that it will also soon achieve “heart-warming.” The presence of Chen, whether it be in an interview, a talk-show, or a drama, guarantees laughter and excitement. Yan, with experience of being a lead actor or a main supporting actor in 12 distinct dramas, brings not only expertise, but also love-ability. With individuals popular in both the world of singing and in the domain of acting, Down With Love will capture the hearts of the audience, for we cannot help but to cry with them, to laugh with them, to hate their enemies, and to sympathize with them. After all, what’s a drama without tears and love?

Highlights from the show

Eating Competition:

Eating contest in Ep. 1 of Down With Love

Try and try as hard as they may, the Yang sisters came in first place! However, their reactions definitely reflect the happiness and elation that victory accompanies. Why the long faces you ask? Well, the sisters were aiming for second place, hoping to win a rice cooker. Instead, they win recipe books, which are: 1. not edible, 2. take up space, and 3. hard to sell. Better luck next time girls!

Heated argument between Yang Guo and YuPing

Heated argument between Yang Guo and YuPing

Below is a translation of their quarrel:
Yang Guo: * comes running in front of YuPing’s car *
YuPing: Do you want to die?! Even if you do, don’t do it in front of my car!
Yang Guo: I don’t want to die! Do you want to… * thinks: Cr*p. I have such bad luck. It’s him again. He’ll lecture me to death for sure *
YuPing: You’re that waitress from last night, right? What do you want?! Are you hear to get revenge (NOTE: YuPing caused Yang Guo’s boss to fire her last night)
Yang Guo: Who said I was here for revenge? Who said?!
YuPing: You’re not as simple as I thought. You don’t know the difference between steak and pork chop, but you memorized my license plate. What, are you hear to make a car accident?!
Yang Guo: What car accident? Oh, you must be a lawyer, right?
* Simultaneously * Yang Guo: You’re a lawyer! Yu Ping: I’m a kindergarten teacher!
Yang Guo: Only a lawyer can be so criticizing. You’re just like my sister’s cold and heartless boss! He’s crazy! Move aside! * walks to tire to pick up her marble *
YuPing: What are you doing? Are you slashing my tires?!
Yang Guo: Look! There you go again! I ran into the street because of my marble. Now everything should be cleared up, right? Say sorry. Say it.
YuPing: You sure know how to make up stories. Who would risk their life for a marble? You should spend more time working, so you don’t GET FIRED!
Yang Guo: Not everyone’s as wealthy as you are! My sister said that if you want to lecture someone, go lecture a lawyer!
Yang Guo: You’re a LAWYER!
YuPing: I…
Yang Guo: I told you! If my sister knows you, she’d definitely say that you will never have any descendants! * screams * GOOD BYE!
YuPing: CRAZY!
Yang Guo: * angrily gets on her bike * What are you looking at?! Are your eyes too big?
YuPing: You…!
Yang Guo: I have such bad luck. I ran into a crazy person! * screams in frustration. turns to look at YuPing: * MEAH! * bikes away *