Tag Archives: Kelly Zhang

Down With Love: Episode 4

Ella delivering huge teddy bears

Cute isn’t it? Don’t be so quick to agree, because these teddy bears are actually criminals in disguise. While on her way to deliver two gigantic teddy bears to the many girlfriends that YuPing is dating, Yang Guo gets flagged down by a police officer. For what you may ask? Because the teddy bears are human-size, and therefore must wear the same safety equipment as a human. (Note to self: Whenever the need to transport over-sized stuffed animals arise, make a friend transport it. This will save you 1. time, 2. an interaction with the police, and 3. the need to pay a ticket.).

Emotional update of the characters: YuPing’s new emotions are becoming overwhelming and are driving him crazy. Yang Guo is getting annoyed and furious with YuPing’s unpredictable behavior, causing her to stay away from him and seek advise from his friend KeZhong. And her sister Yang Duo? Well, she’s screaming her head off that Yang Guo has quit her high-paying job 🙂

Yang Duo’s appearance has increased in this episode of the drama, adding to the love and humor that Down With Love already represents. Although not as famous and well-known as her counterpart Ella Chen (who plays Yang Guo), Kelly Zhang also excells in facial expressions, portraying the role of a loving, yet strict sister. It seems like brilliant exaggerated facial expressions, and the ability to turn an awkward situation into a humorus memory runs in the Yang family.

Both the opening and ending songs were well-chosen, as well as well-written, to fit the need and mood of the drama. Jerry Yan’s song Just Want to Rely On You (就想賴著你) is a bouncy, up-beat song about relying on another person. This fits YuPing’s personality quite well now. Although he refuses to acknowledges his growing attraction to Yang Guo, he clearly wants to keep her close to him as a companion as well as for his own amusement (The children have gone back to live with their mother, but not before suggesting that Yang Guo should marry YuPing. Foreshadowing the ending? Possibly.).

S.H.E’s new song  Only To Love You (只為愛上你) is also an excellent fit as the ending theme song to this series. By referencing elements of nature, such as butterflies and flower petals, the song twists beauty as well as meaning into music. It addresses the need to understand a person, an individual’s transformation in one’s stream of thoughts and actions, and a mutual understanding between the individuals after interacting with that special someone. A meaningful song incorporating both the beauty of the trio’s voices and the presence of a male rapper to remind the audience that a relationship needs two individuals for success.

In the context of the drama, the meaning of this song is not entirely clear at this point. However, it further implies the growing relationship between Yang Guo and YuPing, especially YuPing’s growing dependence and eagerness to spend time with her (I’m sure that only a few unique individuals would actually sacrifice their public image and become humiliated in order to see that special someone happy).

Highlights from the show

To buy the CD? Or not to buy? That is the question…

Yang Duo ponders the costs and benefits of purchasing a CD

This scene does an excellent job in showing Yang Duo’s stingy personality. Although people probably won’t think twice about purchasing a CD, Yang Duo is different. A CD equals a worthless materialistic possession that is not necessary for survival, and thus is a waste of money, says Yang Duo. But, despite repeatedly stating this obvious fact to herself, she cannot leave the store, or even the aisle, without going back to look at the CD. After an hour, Yang Duo leaves, purchasing the CD, but only because the store manager began to suspect her of shoplifting, and gets her vengeance by disorganizing the whole aisle. Way to go, Duo! (NOTE: Yang Duo calculates that the CD, which costs $365 TWD is equivalent to: 1 bag of rice ($130 TWD), 2 tubes of toothpaste ($100 TWD), and 5 boxes of eggs ($135 TWD).)

I must have those free tissues!!!

The chase for...free tissues

After buying that CD, Yang Duo hears that people are passing out FREE TISSUES! But, ironically, as she makes her way closer to the organizers, whom so happen to be Yang Guo and YuPing, they bail and the event stops. Refusing to give up, especially after spending $365 TWD on a CD, Yang Duo pursues the duo in an attempt to claim her share of tissues.
Yang Guo: Why is my sister here?! *runs to go find YuPing* You can go now. We’re almost done, so I can do the rest.
People waiting in line: They’re gone! I didn’t even get one 😦 This is outrageous.
Yang Duo: IT’S OVER?! WHAT?! BUT, I HAVEN’T GOTTEN ANYTHING YET! I wouldn’t bother if I didn’t spend money to buy that CD. Meanie. I’LL DEFINITELY GET YOU! * O * *rolls up sleeves* STOP! *chases after Yang Guo and YuPing*
Yang Guo: Let’s go! Hurry up!
YuPing: What?
Yang Guo: Hurry up!
YuPing: Why do we need to walk so fast all of a sudden?
Yang Guo: My sister is behind us!
YuPing: Miss Yang?
Yang Guo: Yup
*YuPing’s imagination*
Yang Duo: My turn. So, do you know what the annoying-est thing in my life is? Is it an itch? Infection? Or a weird smell? Actually, they’re all wrong. The most annoying-est thing in my life is YOU, this  cold-hearted lawyer XIANG YUPING! WRITE IT DOWN! *end imagination*
YuPing: D: HURRY UP!!!
Yang Duo: STILL RUNNING?! *drops down to pick up free stuff Yang Guo and YuPing are throwing* Mine…mine…
Yang Duo: STOP RUNNING! *drops down to pick up free stuff* …Strange. Where did they disappear to?
*YuPing and Yang Guo hide behind a huge pillar*
YuPing: *panting* Scary. This is more stressful than the time we got kidnapped.
Yang Guo: *laughs*
YuPing: *hits her mouth* What are you laughing at?
Yang Guo: This is funny. How’d you think of throwing free stuff on the ground? Do you think she’s a pigeon? *makes pigeon noises* By the way, why are you so scared of my sister seeing you?
YuPing: Well, whatever happens, I’m still her boss. *holds up a packet of tissue* It’s embarrassing for a boss handing out things like this.
Yang Guo: Hmm… Yup, makes sense. Yup, that’d be a shock.
YuPing: What about you? Why did you run away from your sister?
Yang Guo: Well, I haven’t told my sister that I’ve quit. Don’t misunderstand; I don’t regret it. I’m just not sure how to tell her yet.
YuPing: I…
Yang Guo: So hungry. Let’s go eat lunch. Didn’t you say you’d treat me for lunch? Aren’t you hungry?
YuPing: Let’s go. I’ll carry that for you.
Yang Guo: *hands over box of tissue-packages* Let’s eat hot pot!
YuPing: *throws some packages onto the floor*
Yang Guo: Hey, stop throwing. I’m not a pigeon *picks up packages anyways, both walks out into the open*
Yang Duo: HEY YOU TWO PASSING OUT FREE-STUFF! STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE, AND DON’T MOVE! *gasp* BOSS?! *runs over for a closer look*
YuPing: *drops box*
Yang Guo: *hides behind YuPing, covers her face with packets of tissue*
Yang Duo: *pulls away packets of tissue; gasp* YANG GUO?!
Yang Guo: *screams and runs*
Yang Duo: *screams and chases after Yang Guo* WHY ARE YOU HERE?!
YuPing: *covers face up with packets of tissue*