Tag Archives: Chinese

ShoutOut: JJ Lin’s single I Fly Therefore I Am

In his latest single released in July 2010, JJ Lin feats with Jane Zhang beautiful powerful (and, of course, up-beat) song about perseverance called 我飞故我在, or “I Fly Therefore I Am”.

I really love how beautifully both artists’ high-pitched voices intertwine in this song. They start out soft and weak, a reflection of their timid personalities and the hopelessness of their respective situations in the beginning.

However, upon meeting each other (places in the song where they both sing), their voices start gradually increasing, as if building up the courage necessary to preserve through all the hardships and challenges in their path before they attain their goals. The more time they spend together, the more strength they give each other, and the more livelier the song becomes.

Below is a link to song. The Chinese lyrics are also included, and an English translation to the best of my abilities (sadly, the beauty and poetic-ness of the song failed to transfer over, which makes the song sound just awkward).

Chinese Lyrics:
在右边 在成长
蝴蝶也有它的梦想 在风中流浪

为什么我学不会 飞翔

(林)曙光带来阳光 信心变成信仰

(张)有一种期待 (合)叫做未来
(合)只要汗水与勇气 在我的舞台
(合)看彩虹有多少 (张)色彩

(林)曙光带来阳光 信心变成信仰

(张)有一种期待 (合)叫做未来
(合)只要汗水与勇气 在我的舞台

有一种期待 叫做未来
(张)只要汗水与勇气 (林)被崇拜
(张)闭着眼我也能 (合)飞起来
(合)看彩虹有多少 色彩

English translation:
Zhang: The word “fly” (飞) has a pair of wings
At its sides. They are growing.
Butterflies also have dreams, a dream of flying in the wind

Lin: On its debut,
Meteor powder has its own radiance
Why can’t I learn the same (literally: how to fly)?

Zhang: Before I was too stubborn,
I couldn’t face myself
You gave me all my strength
Together: You are (my) strength
Lin: Dawn brought in sunlight, turning belief into faith
Together: I can fly when you’re with me (literally: I can fly in your sky)

Together: Now I finally understand
Everyone has a reason for existing
Zhang: There’s a type of anticipation…
Together: …an anticipation for the future (literally: called the future),
Lin: To see the future
Together: There are only sweat, and courage, on my stage
If I close my eyes, I can fly, too.
Lin: I will live splendidly
Together: Let’s count the colors of the rainbow

Zhang: Before I was too stubborn,
I couldn’t face myself
You gave me all my strength
Together: You are (my) strength
Lin: Dawn brought in sunlight, turning belief into faith
Together: I can fly when you’re with me (literally: I can fly in your sky)

Together: Now I finally understand
Everyone has a reason for existing
Zhang: There’s a type of anticipation…
Together: …an anticipation for the future (literally: called the future),
Lin: To see the future
Together: There are only sweat, and courage, on my stage
If I close my eyes, I can fly, too.
Lin: I will live splendidly
Together: And learn to love life (literally: And fall in love with life)

Together: Now I finally understand
Everyone has a reason for existing
There’s a type of anticipation…
 …an anticipation for the future (literally: called the future),
Lin: I only need to be honest to myself
Zhang: There’s only sweat and courage…
Lin: …to be worshiped…
Zhang:…on my stage
Lin: Let me be free~
Zhang: If I close my eyes, I can also…
Together: …fly
Lin: Step on a cloud…
Together …(and) count the colors of the rainbow 

Down With Love Episode 6: It’s the start of something new~

“Actually, the people who don’t like to bother others, and don’t say anything afterward, are the hardest to figure out. Because people who wanna do something for you have no idea what to do.” – Yang Guo

The reappearance of Yang Guo’s father, Yang BoTong, has started the beginnings of a feud between YuPing and Yang Guo, causing her to turn more to KeZhong for aid and support.

Although the return of a long lost father would be a joyous event, his appearance brought more financial headaches on our Yang sisters. For years, Yang BoTong has been making a living as a famous interior designer, as well as persuading his female clients to buy some of his supernatural accessories to increase one’s luck and wealth.

Shortly after the family reunion, Yang BoTong runs into legal issues; the prosecutor is none other than one of YuPing’s wealthy clients.

Thus sparks the beginnings of a possible feud between Yang Guo and YuPing, our unrequited couple. Although this may appear to be the standard argument and frustrated mood between a couple, it is not without meaning. Yang Guo, being the kind-hearted and devoted daughter, is eager to take her father’s debt as her own and pay it all back. However, YuPing believes that she will be committing many years of her life to this task, and will still be unable to pay back the debt. Unwilling to see her suffer because of her father, YuPing decides to return to his original cold-hearted lawyer personnel, refusing to answer to Yang Guo’s cries of help even though deep down he wants to help her in any way he can.

Both individuals have made sacrifices and actively complicated their lives in order to help their loved ones; Yang Guo to protect her father financially and YuPing to rid nuisances in Yang Guo’s life. Clearly, both characters express the same kind of love, but in different ways and towards different individuals.

However, YuPing’s new cruel treatment and lack of concern towards Yang Guo is causing her to turn to her friend: KeZhong. While YuPing persists in his refusal to aid Yang Guo, KeZhong readily steps up and loans Yang Guo the necessary amount to pay of her father’s debt while giving her all the time necessary to pay him back, (no interest included). This is a dream come true for Yang Guo. And because of this, will we see a development between Yang Guo and KeZhong that involves something more than just seeking advice from a close friend? How will YuPing react to this potential development? Will he accept it or fight back and confess to Yang Guo? We may soon find out in the next episode.

Highlights from the show:

All tied up…again

Deeming her father a troublesome man not worthy of her trust, Yang Duo decides to tie herself to her dad for a 24/7 surveillance, no exceptions. And bathroom breaks? She forces one of the younger lawyers to accompany her old man. Definitely a loving relationship between father and daughter.

Friendship and womanhood

In preparation for her business trip to China with KeZhong, Yang Guo makes her friend YanLing bring her a suitcase in the middle of the night. Although Yang Guo is expecting an empty luggage to fill with her necessities, she is in for a surprise, as YanLing fills it with some “necessities” that Yang Guo is currently lacking.
Yang Guo: Hey, aren’t you tired of acting with Xiao Lei (Friend’s boyfriend)? You guys took 30 minutes just to say good-bye! I thought the person going abroad to China for work was you, not me.
YanLing: You’re the one to talk. You suddenly told me to lend you a suitcase. I was planning to go to a hot spring in Yang Ming Mountain with Xiao Lei.
Yang Guo: Are you crazy? It’s so hot and you guys want to go a hot spring?! *opens suitcase and finds a lot of lingerie; gasps and stares* What are you giving to me?!
YanLing: Don’t say that your best friend doesn’t support you. These “war armor” are for you, free of charge! Hope you’re successful!
Yang Guo: *picks up the thong* Eh, wearing this to “war”, you’ll just capture a shadow (literal translation. She basically says the only thing you’ll get is evilness).
YanLing: *gasp* Stop pretending to be so innocent. Besides KeZhong, there’s no other guys you can make a move on. Why don’t you think. You were just recently employeed, and just based on experience and capability, you’re thinking about going abroad already? Stop dreaming! But, he’s taking you with him. Isn’t this obvious enough? You should pursue this!
Yang Guo: Aiya! Stop forcing me to make a fool of myself. How could he be interested in me?
YanLing: Hey. That’s the perspective your Dad should have. Why is he so nice to you if he’s not interested? What a joke! How come he didn’t let me borrow $1 million TWD ($31,000) for me to spend? And, if you really do become his wife, you won’t have to pay it back!
Yang Guo: Aiya! That’s impossible. It’s not like I don’t know that the kind of girls he likes is totally different from me.
YanLing: Stop being so unsure. Who cares if you’re his type. It doesn’t matter! What matters is if there’s feeling! Aiya. Rest assured, with me as your general, you’ll definitely win. Concerning whether or not you’re his type… *picks up a lingerie*
Yang Guo: *scratches head and looks away*
YanLing: …that’s just the excuse men come up with, but…here, catch *tosses it to Yang Guo*
Yang Guo: Argh! *takes the lingerie off her head and throws it on the bed*
YanLing: *rummages in the luggage* As long as there’s feeling, fireworks will immediately start popping out! This is what all the ancient philosophers said: what matters is the time and location. This is it! *shows off a pink, translucent lingerie*
Yang Guo: *does a double take (disgusted)*
YanLing: Presenting the “Ideal Love Outfit”. I was wearing this when I seduced Xiao Lei.
Yang Guo: Oh *still disgusted*
YanLing: Let me tell you. At midnight, right when KeZhong falls asleep, wear this and race into his arms while crying.
Yang Guo: Yeah, right. I’m not crying.
YanLing: You HAVE to cry! You have to cry and say: *cuddles and viciously shakes Yang Guo* “So scary! Brother Qi, I just had a really scary nightmare! I’m so scared!” And then, open your eyes, stare at him, and blink your eyes.
Yang Guo: *blinks eyes*
YanLing: And, if you can, squeeze out some tears. And then, I won’t believe you if you say he doesn’t have any feelings for you! And then… *moves in for a kiss*
Yang Guo: What are you doing?! You’re so disgusting! *shoves her off of her*
YanLing: You’re so useless! Good thing I came prepared!
Yang Guo: You have more?!
YanLing: The “Tiger-skin outfit”! This suits your style, right? And… *takes out the whip*

Down With Love Episode 5: Hyping up the Love

Yang Guo tries out her new hair clip

The drama essence present in any Taiwanese drama appears again in this episode. Teeming with emotions of love, hatred, and anger, the characters question the meaning and expression of different kinds of love, from parental love, to romantic love, to love between friends. A limited amount of comic relief was incorporated in this episode.  A love hate-relationship has blossomed between YuPing and Yang Guo. Although YuPing is attracted to Yang Guo, he refuses to acknowledge his affections, mainly due to the fact that he believes she’s a lesbian. Instead, YuPing tries to keep Yang Guo close to him by making ridiculous and spontaneous requests. And with a little criticism and mockery, Yang Guo always leaves confused and frustrated.

Perhaps this is YuPing’s way of showering her with love. Perhaps it’s his way of hiding his affections by not acknowledging them. He pushes Yang Guo away from him, but keeps her close enough for him to see her again if needed.

Yang Guo also has a way of revealing her feelings towards YuPing. She is immensely interested in YuPing’s love life. Although she disapproves of him dating six girls at once, she defends the girls whenever she can, most likely to retaliate YuPing’s inhumane treatment towards them. She immediately becomes curious at any HuiFan-related news. Good thing that she does not need to search far, because the news comes to her. Just the one of the many privileges a person gets from being close friends with the friends of a star. In addition, although Yang Guo hates YuPing because she can’t understand him, she does not push him away when he’s trying to make up with her. And YuPing, in turn, is willing to do anything for her forgiveness.

As for KeZhong, he is starting to have more appearances in the drama, and has clearly established himself as the individual to seek help from whenever faced with a love dilemma. Perhaps, because of his aloof but kind personality, he resembles a care-taker, and is thus is easy to talk to about deep and personal feelings.

For instance, in a conversation with KeZhong, although YuPing seems to be a nuisance in Yang Guo’s life, he actually understands a lot about her. He reveals that, in his perspective, Yang Guo is a caring and thoughtful individual (he definitely rarely reflects this perspective in his interactions with her). KeZhong sensed that YuPing has become different after HuiFan left; that YuPing might have a deeper understanding of Yang Guo that borderlines between a close friendship and a love relationship.

Yang Guo runs into her long lost father, and later brings her sister Yang Duo to meet him

Ella Chen is extremely talented in developing the complexity of her character Yang Guo. Yang Guo sympathizes and quickly forgives people; she’s easily amused and always brightens the mood with her humor and naivety. Despite the humor and comic relief she provides, Yang Guo is serious and whole-hearted in her relationships (hence, she disapproves of YuPing cheating on six girls at once). While most would hold a grudge against their parents, Yang Guo is able to forgive her father even after he orphaned and left them with a huge debt. Father and daughter are reunited in a tearful, sympathetic reunion years after separation. One would have to struggle to ignore the empathy felt from watching the lead actress struggling to speak and hold back tears as her face contorts and her voice cracks.

However, HuiFan is different. Unaware of his change of heart, she returns to Taiwan in attempt to get back together with YuPing. Although she states that YuPing is her encouragement and the reason why she pushes herself in the acting realm, YuPing remains cold and indifferent. However, towards the end, his expressions change: he becomes annoyed, and seems to be mentally questioning why he’s having this conversation with HuiFan.

HuiFan is unable to convince him and ends up sounding flustered, yet confident that he’ll choose her. However, when he doesn’t choose her, she cracks because she cannot accept reality. Despite her position as the-persistent-ex-girlfriend-that-anyone-can-hate-with-a-burning-passion, Chen ZiHan cannot make the audience sympathize with her. She cannot cry whole-heartedly when the situation calls for it. Instead, she complains and rejects reality with a broken heart; she still hopes to get back together with YuPing even after his repeated rejections. HuiFan is a simple character: although she is persistent and stubborn, she’s also fragile and powerless, and desperately in love with YuPing, which is hypocritical and despicable of her.

Highlights from the show

The Epic Break up

YuPing calls out Yang Guo to help him break up with his

One of the few comic relief moments in this episode. YuPing finds himself in a relationship with an overly enthusiastic and clingy woman who wears exaggerated, flowery clothing. YuPing is clearly uncomfortable in every interaction he has with her, and purposely ignores her if possible. But, how can you possibly begin to distance yourself to someone who’s so obsessed with you that she’s already planned out your future with her? DWL offers a possible solution: call up your best girl-friend and present her as your actual girlfriend.

“Wanna come to my house after work?”

YuPing attempts to convince KeZhong that hiring Yang Guo as a maid will be a big mistake

KeZhong offers Yang Guo another job: a maid at his house. YuPing envisions Yang Guo cleaning KeZhong’s house. However, there is a twist: he imagines Yang Guo, in a cute maid outfit, massaging KeZhong as he relaxes along with other various sexual implications. As he comes out of his daydream, YuPing attempts to convince KeZhong that hiring Yang Guo as a maid will be the biggest mistake of his life:
YuPing: NO! *grabs Yang Guo’s mouth*
Yang Guo: What are you doing? *swiping away YuPing’s germs*
YuPing: KeZhong, you can’t be serious about making Yang Guo go to your house to clean, right? Last time at my house, she was cleaning the drapes. You know how she cleaned them? With the vacuum cleaner! The whole thing came crashing down! My God! And another time, she’s cleaning the windows, she broke the frame. And you know what happened? It came crashing down on the Obasan who lives downstairs! And is the Obasan still alive?
Yang Guo: Wei! I already fixed it, ok? And that Obasan is still alive…
YuPing: I don’t care. And you know what else? I have a huge statue in my house. You remember right?
KeZhong: Yeah. David.
YuPing: That statue’s hand fell off! I think your house has more precious items than mine. You don’t want your priceless antiques to turn into…GARBAGE, right?!
Yang Guo: Wei! I already explained the statue thing. And you accepted the excuse!
YuPing: Then what about my socks?
Yang Guo: The cat took it.
YuPing: And that underwear with a hole in it?
Yang Guo: A cockroach ate it.
YuPing: And…oh yeah. Once she was washing my Cashmere…She washed my Cashmere until it shrank to…
Yang Guo: AAAAHH! *picks up tray and hits YuPing*
Note: The whole tray part actually didn’t happen; it was all part of Yang Guo’s imagination. We have no idea how the conversation really ended.

Down With Love: Episode 1

Main characters of Down With Love

How many dramas start off with a girl carrying a refrigerator on her back?

Singer and actress Ella Chen weaves her own hard-headed and humorous temperament with her into her character: Yang Guo. Her first task in the drama is to carry a 36 kg (80 lb) refrigerator on her back, walking 12 km (7.5 miles) on a 36 degree Celsius (97 degree Fahrenheit) day to reach a “neighbor’s” house to deliver the fixed mechanism, only to discover that they have already purchased a new one. Yang Guo walks away, short of her promised 500 TWD ($16), but with a bottle of tea, a box of sweets, and a smile of satisfaction. Yang Guo’s persistence and desire for profit shines through, but not without a tad of naivety and kindhearted-ness.

Actor Jerry Yan utilizes his extensive acting experience to play Xiang YuPing, a cold, heartless lawyer. After a rude introduction to the prosecution side of the case, YuPing remains calm and expertly angers the plaintiff into exposing a crucial piece of information. There’s a new twist to his case, as he craftily changes the evidence to favor the defense.

Within the first 10 minutes of the first episode, Director Ke HanChan has established the personalities of the lead actor and actress. The contrasting personalities hints at the potential friction between the two individuals. Upon their first meeting, YuPing has come to believe that Yang Guo is a dim-wit; YuPing, an arrogant, wealthy man in Yang Guo’s perspective. It is this perspective that causes an altercation between the duo in the streets of Taiwan. A lovely, and healthy, relationship between the boss and employee, isn’t it?

From the first episode, Down With Love has achieved the labels: “sarcastic,” “humorous,” and “exciting.” I predict that it will also soon achieve “heart-warming.” The presence of Chen, whether it be in an interview, a talk-show, or a drama, guarantees laughter and excitement. Yan, with experience of being a lead actor or a main supporting actor in 12 distinct dramas, brings not only expertise, but also love-ability. With individuals popular in both the world of singing and in the domain of acting, Down With Love will capture the hearts of the audience, for we cannot help but to cry with them, to laugh with them, to hate their enemies, and to sympathize with them. After all, what’s a drama without tears and love?

Highlights from the show

Eating Competition:

Eating contest in Ep. 1 of Down With Love

Try and try as hard as they may, the Yang sisters came in first place! However, their reactions definitely reflect the happiness and elation that victory accompanies. Why the long faces you ask? Well, the sisters were aiming for second place, hoping to win a rice cooker. Instead, they win recipe books, which are: 1. not edible, 2. take up space, and 3. hard to sell. Better luck next time girls!

Heated argument between Yang Guo and YuPing

Heated argument between Yang Guo and YuPing

Below is a translation of their quarrel:
Yang Guo: * comes running in front of YuPing’s car *
YuPing: Do you want to die?! Even if you do, don’t do it in front of my car!
Yang Guo: I don’t want to die! Do you want to… * thinks: Cr*p. I have such bad luck. It’s him again. He’ll lecture me to death for sure *
YuPing: You’re that waitress from last night, right? What do you want?! Are you hear to get revenge (NOTE: YuPing caused Yang Guo’s boss to fire her last night)
Yang Guo: Who said I was here for revenge? Who said?!
YuPing: You’re not as simple as I thought. You don’t know the difference between steak and pork chop, but you memorized my license plate. What, are you hear to make a car accident?!
Yang Guo: What car accident? Oh, you must be a lawyer, right?
* Simultaneously * Yang Guo: You’re a lawyer! Yu Ping: I’m a kindergarten teacher!
Yang Guo: Only a lawyer can be so criticizing. You’re just like my sister’s cold and heartless boss! He’s crazy! Move aside! * walks to tire to pick up her marble *
YuPing: What are you doing? Are you slashing my tires?!
Yang Guo: Look! There you go again! I ran into the street because of my marble. Now everything should be cleared up, right? Say sorry. Say it.
YuPing: You sure know how to make up stories. Who would risk their life for a marble? You should spend more time working, so you don’t GET FIRED!
Yang Guo: Not everyone’s as wealthy as you are! My sister said that if you want to lecture someone, go lecture a lawyer!
Yang Guo: You’re a LAWYER!
YuPing: I…
Yang Guo: I told you! If my sister knows you, she’d definitely say that you will never have any descendants! * screams * GOOD BYE!
YuPing: CRAZY!
Yang Guo: * angrily gets on her bike * What are you looking at?! Are your eyes too big?
YuPing: You…!
Yang Guo: I have such bad luck. I ran into a crazy person! * screams in frustration. turns to look at YuPing: * MEAH! * bikes away *