Tag Archives: Asian

Down With Love Episode 6: It’s the start of something new~

“Actually, the people who don’t like to bother others, and don’t say anything afterward, are the hardest to figure out. Because people who wanna do something for you have no idea what to do.” – Yang Guo

The reappearance of Yang Guo’s father, Yang BoTong, has started the beginnings of a feud between YuPing and Yang Guo, causing her to turn more to KeZhong for aid and support.

Although the return of a long lost father would be a joyous event, his appearance brought more financial headaches on our Yang sisters. For years, Yang BoTong has been making a living as a famous interior designer, as well as persuading his female clients to buy some of his supernatural accessories to increase one’s luck and wealth.

Shortly after the family reunion, Yang BoTong runs into legal issues; the prosecutor is none other than one of YuPing’s wealthy clients.

Thus sparks the beginnings of a possible feud between Yang Guo and YuPing, our unrequited couple. Although this may appear to be the standard argument and frustrated mood between a couple, it is not without meaning. Yang Guo, being the kind-hearted and devoted daughter, is eager to take her father’s debt as her own and pay it all back. However, YuPing believes that she will be committing many years of her life to this task, and will still be unable to pay back the debt. Unwilling to see her suffer because of her father, YuPing decides to return to his original cold-hearted lawyer personnel, refusing to answer to Yang Guo’s cries of help even though deep down he wants to help her in any way he can.

Both individuals have made sacrifices and actively complicated their lives in order to help their loved ones; Yang Guo to protect her father financially and YuPing to rid nuisances in Yang Guo’s life. Clearly, both characters express the same kind of love, but in different ways and towards different individuals.

However, YuPing’s new cruel treatment and lack of concern towards Yang Guo is causing her to turn to her friend: KeZhong. While YuPing persists in his refusal to aid Yang Guo, KeZhong readily steps up and loans Yang Guo the necessary amount to pay of her father’s debt while giving her all the time necessary to pay him back, (no interest included). This is a dream come true for Yang Guo. And because of this, will we see a development between Yang Guo and KeZhong that involves something more than just seeking advice from a close friend? How will YuPing react to this potential development? Will he accept it or fight back and confess to Yang Guo? We may soon find out in the next episode.

Highlights from the show:

All tied up…again

Deeming her father a troublesome man not worthy of her trust, Yang Duo decides to tie herself to her dad for a 24/7 surveillance, no exceptions. And bathroom breaks? She forces one of the younger lawyers to accompany her old man. Definitely a loving relationship between father and daughter.

Friendship and womanhood

In preparation for her business trip to China with KeZhong, Yang Guo makes her friend YanLing bring her a suitcase in the middle of the night. Although Yang Guo is expecting an empty luggage to fill with her necessities, she is in for a surprise, as YanLing fills it with some “necessities” that Yang Guo is currently lacking.
Yang Guo: Hey, aren’t you tired of acting with Xiao Lei (Friend’s boyfriend)? You guys took 30 minutes just to say good-bye! I thought the person going abroad to China for work was you, not me.
YanLing: You’re the one to talk. You suddenly told me to lend you a suitcase. I was planning to go to a hot spring in Yang Ming Mountain with Xiao Lei.
Yang Guo: Are you crazy? It’s so hot and you guys want to go a hot spring?! *opens suitcase and finds a lot of lingerie; gasps and stares* What are you giving to me?!
YanLing: Don’t say that your best friend doesn’t support you. These “war armor” are for you, free of charge! Hope you’re successful!
Yang Guo: *picks up the thong* Eh, wearing this to “war”, you’ll just capture a shadow (literal translation. She basically says the only thing you’ll get is evilness).
YanLing: *gasp* Stop pretending to be so innocent. Besides KeZhong, there’s no other guys you can make a move on. Why don’t you think. You were just recently employeed, and just based on experience and capability, you’re thinking about going abroad already? Stop dreaming! But, he’s taking you with him. Isn’t this obvious enough? You should pursue this!
Yang Guo: Aiya! Stop forcing me to make a fool of myself. How could he be interested in me?
YanLing: Hey. That’s the perspective your Dad should have. Why is he so nice to you if he’s not interested? What a joke! How come he didn’t let me borrow $1 million TWD ($31,000) for me to spend? And, if you really do become his wife, you won’t have to pay it back!
Yang Guo: Aiya! That’s impossible. It’s not like I don’t know that the kind of girls he likes is totally different from me.
YanLing: Stop being so unsure. Who cares if you’re his type. It doesn’t matter! What matters is if there’s feeling! Aiya. Rest assured, with me as your general, you’ll definitely win. Concerning whether or not you’re his type… *picks up a lingerie*
Yang Guo: *scratches head and looks away*
YanLing: …that’s just the excuse men come up with, but…here, catch *tosses it to Yang Guo*
Yang Guo: Argh! *takes the lingerie off her head and throws it on the bed*
YanLing: *rummages in the luggage* As long as there’s feeling, fireworks will immediately start popping out! This is what all the ancient philosophers said: what matters is the time and location. This is it! *shows off a pink, translucent lingerie*
Yang Guo: *does a double take (disgusted)*
YanLing: Presenting the “Ideal Love Outfit”. I was wearing this when I seduced Xiao Lei.
Yang Guo: Oh *still disgusted*
YanLing: Let me tell you. At midnight, right when KeZhong falls asleep, wear this and race into his arms while crying.
Yang Guo: Yeah, right. I’m not crying.
YanLing: You HAVE to cry! You have to cry and say: *cuddles and viciously shakes Yang Guo* “So scary! Brother Qi, I just had a really scary nightmare! I’m so scared!” And then, open your eyes, stare at him, and blink your eyes.
Yang Guo: *blinks eyes*
YanLing: And, if you can, squeeze out some tears. And then, I won’t believe you if you say he doesn’t have any feelings for you! And then… *moves in for a kiss*
Yang Guo: What are you doing?! You’re so disgusting! *shoves her off of her*
YanLing: You’re so useless! Good thing I came prepared!
Yang Guo: You have more?!
YanLing: The “Tiger-skin outfit”! This suits your style, right? And… *takes out the whip*

Down With Love: Episode 3

The many faces of Xiang YuPing (played by actor Jerry Yan)

Episode 3 was one of the most enjoyable, and fast-paced, episodes of the drama by far. Subtle but dramatic transformations in the personalities and perspectives of various characters keep the audience curious as to what is going to happen in the next episode. YuPing’s denial of the real reason behind his varying thoughts and emotions changes the viewer’s image of him in this drama. At times, he is childish and immature. At times, he is charming and sweet. At times, you wonder: I wish I had a man like. No longer is he the cold, ruthless lawyer and boss of the Yang sisters, or the passive guardian of the two children. Rather, YuPing has become more considerate and accepting, willing to spend time with the children to create the aurora of a happy family. Perhaps this is due to his realization of the children’s need for a fatherly figure, or because he is reminded of his childhood without a stable and safe environment. But for whatever the reason, one thing is for sure: the emotionless and inconsiderate lawyer YuPing is becoming warm and humane.

However, we must not forget the powerful effect Yang Guo has on individuals. Yang Guo continually offers aid to help others in any way she can, and it is this altruism that initially perplexes YuPing. Through more interactions with each other, a sense of family develops between Yang Guo, YuPing, and the children. Although both are forbidden to have any feelings for the other, YuPing and Yang Guo may be unable to keep themselves from feeling an emotional connection, and attraction, towards the other. YuPing has already done unimaginable things with Yang Guo, and for Yang Guo and the children of course!), such as riding rollercoasters, watching horror movies, and standing in line to buy Yang Guo’s favorite snack while being humiliated for being such a noob. YuPing is convinced that his concern for Yang Guo is out of gratitude, but we drama addicts all know that this is the beginning of something bigger…and better 😉

In addition, this episode saw the introduction of yet another character: the children’s “long-lost” mother. Turns out she did not die but instead left her children in order to pursue other greatness. Now, four years later, she reappears, requesting legal guardianship over her children with the famous divorce lawyer Xiang YuPing. Will YuPing let her take her children back after years of separation? Will the children even want to live with their mother? All will reveal in the next episode!

Highlights from the show


In order to threaten YuPing, a trio of bandits kidnapped Yang Guo and the children and held them hostage. The children managed to escape, but will YuPing and Yang Guo manage to escape from the bomb?

To get revenge from escaping running away, the bandits stick a bomb into YuPing’s mouth as they happily walk out of the run-down shed to escape the police. Apparently, the only way to prevent the bomb from exploding within 2 minutes is to hold it with your mouth. Yang Guo narrates the event with exaggerations, but keeps to the basic plotline. She intentionally leaves out the most important detail: her “kiss” with YuPing in an attempt to gain possession of the bomb to fling out of the shed and as far away from them as possible. In a Behind the Scenes special, actress Ella Chen confesses it was one of the most awkward kissing situations she had ever experienced (she had the luxury of “kissing” the famous actor Jerry Yan and…a pair of fake teeth).
Yang Guo: Let me tell you. That bomb was of the latest model. You HAD to put it in you mouth to prevent it from exploding.
Yang Duo: Isn’t that like those bombs from Hollywood movies?
Yang Guo: Exactly! You see, those bandits wanted to kill us with one shot! BUT…at that instant, the boss told those bandits that if they fired, the police would only get here sooner and catch them all! Then, one bandit took a bomb AND STUFFED IT IN THE BOSS’S MOUTH!!! But, he never thought that I, who’s sister yelled at to practice the suona (Chinese oboe) when it only cost $800 TWD…
Yang Duo: Hey! Why are you bringing this up? On with the story!
Yang Guo: Sis, thank God that you forced me to practice otherwise today I would be…How would I have the lung-power to spit that bomb out the window? Applause!
KeZhong: Wait. You just said that you spat the bomb out the window.
Yang Guo: Yup, I spat it out!
KeZhong: But the bomb was originally in YuPing’s mouth…
Yang Duo: Oh yeah, didn’t you say the bandits put the bomb in the boss’s mouth? Then, how did…? Why…?
* cough cough *
YuPing: I spat out the bomb, and she blew it out of the window.
* Yang Guo’s imagination: YuPing flings the bomb out of his mouth, Yang Guo enters and blows it out the window
Yang Guo: Sayonara!
Both: *laugh insanely *Heahheaheahheahheah…
YuPing: * chokes on spit and coughs *
Yang Guo: * imitates Andy Lau’s voice * I’m Andy Lau (a famous singer and actor from Hong Kong)
YuPing: * imitates Guo Shichang’s voice * I’m Guo ShiChang (a famous actor in Hong Kong)
Both: * sings * 对你爱爱爱不完 (translation: endless love for you) * dance and twirl; end imagination *
Yang Guo: * dumbfounded * RIGHT! That’s what happened! Right, right…
Friend: Yeah, didn’t you say that if you didn’t put it in your mouth, it’d explode?
Yang Guo: D-did I say that?
Yang Duo: Yeah! Just like those in Hollywood!
Yang Guo: No, no, they’re different from the ones in Hollywood.
YuPing: I-I think that since the scoundrel was poor, the bomb he bought was those…fake…imitations
NOTE: Yang Guo’s imagination goes wild at the end as she and YuPing make references to famous Hong Kong idols.

One big happy family…or not

The kids decide to watch a horror movie, but no one knows that YuPing is terrified of horror movies.

What a better way to end an exciting and eventful day at the amusement park than to go home and watch a horror movie with the family! But, who would have thought that YuPing would be the first scream out in terror and leave the room because he is terrified of horror movies? Right off the bat, he starts isolating himself, seeking refuge and comfort from a cushion and refusing to look at the TV screen through the course of the movie (though there are those little sneaks and peeks every once in a while ^^). Better work on those bravery skills, dude; how are you supposed to protect and comfort a lady if you’re the one who’s scared out of his wits?