Down With Love: Episode 2

Ding HuiFan vs. Yang Guo

Down With Love’s Lesson Of the Day: How to insult a girl
Tell the girl that she did a good job wrapping her chest because it looks as flat as a board. She could pass off as a boy if she wanted to!

This drama is one of the most fast-paced dramas that I have ever seen. This episode saw the introduction of a new character: Ding HuiFan, played by actress Chen ZiHan. HuiFan is YuPing’s girlfriend in his long-distance relationship with her (HuiFan is an actress and is constantly traveling to news conferences, activities, and sets). Within her first few appearances, the audience has a solid grasp on her character.

She is an interesting character. Her debut in this drama consists of reporters and paparazzi chasing after her truck, crowding around her as she grandly steps onto the red carpet that leads her into the building where she will be posing and advertising a beauty product. All she does is smile and pose with the beauty product, feigning a friendly idol in front of the paparazzi while clearly ignoring the various questions reporters ask her. Although her popularity is realized, the audience cannot help but to feel a sense of superiority, and with it, a sense of egocentric-ism that prevents her from wanting to connect to the public.

Shortly after this display, HuiFan hurries to meet YuPing in a hotel room (HuiFan wants to maintain a sense of closeness as well as separation from the public and hides her relationship with the famous lawyer Xiang YuPing). The meeting immediately becomes an alteration between the couple, with YuPing fed up with these secret meetings with his girlfriend and HuiFan attempting, and failing, to reason with him. In this scene, HuiFan appears selfish and unsympathetic towards YuPing’s requests and desires, choosing to protect her own success and career over YuPing. (We later also learn that she made a drama cast halt filming for a couple of days because HuiFan was emotionally unstable).

It turns out that after HuiFan immediately regrets her decision after answering YuPing’s marriage proposal with a breakup. She appears devastated, but quickly recovers after her managers suggests getting back together with YuPing after a three month separation. Apologies for the bitterness, but to some degree, I can tolerate with a selfish, stuck-up, inconsiderate individual, but this kind of plotting behind a lover’s back is unacceptable. She has definitely stepped out of bounds within the first 30 minutes of her appearance. Chen ZiHan is extremely talented with the standoff personality.

As I said before, this drama is very fast-paced. The character Yang Guo is also developing many relationships with the other characters. She has a very close relationship with her sister Yang Duo, one that is occasionally loving and occasionally violent. She has established a friendly relationship with the interior designer Qi KeZhong, a person who she can turn to for advice and can trust to keep her secrets.

Although Yang Guo started off on the wrong foot with this children, she is starting to gain YuTing’s trust and approval. As she moves into the little boy’s heart, perhaps she will be able to melt the sister’s coldness and distrust. There is also a hint at a possible formation of romantic feelings between Yang Guo and YuPing. Despite having to continually tease and lecture Yang Guo, YuPing seems to appreciate Yang Guo’s presence in his life. But will this possible love ever develop (because, after all, YuPing believes that Yang Guo is a lesbian which she most certainly is not)?

Highlights from the show


YuFei YuTing attempt to anger Yang Guo away

YuFei and YuTing love to play pranks on their baby-sitters in order to scare them away and get attention/some sort of emotional response from their caretaker and uncle YuPing. In this scene, the duo anger Yang Guo by hitting her and spraying her with a water gun, to the point where she throws a ball in rage. But, instead of hitting one of the kids, the ball flies over to YuPing’s beloved statue and knocks it over. It’s the end of the world for Yang Guo, but she manages to cover up the statue’s broken hand by dressing him up in clothing. Way to go!

The Many Faces of Yang Guo

The many facial expressions of Yang Guo

Ella Chen is extremely talented in the field of humor and facial expressions. Unaware of the fact that KeZhong and YuPing are best friends, Yang Guo fears that KeZhong may have blown her cover and revealed to YuPing that she is straight. After waiting for KeZhong to show up for work, Yang Guo begins her interrogation:

Yang Guo: Didn’t you just meet with my boss (YuPing)?
KeZhong: Mmhmm.
Yang Guo: D-d-did h-he mention that I was a…?
KeZhong: …a lesbian.
Yang Guo: Really?
KeZhong: Yup
Yang Guo: AH! Then…d-d-did y-you say that I wasn’t?
KeZhong: Of course I did.
Yang Guo:AH!
KeZhong: I clearly told him that you weren’t one. I also told him that you went out with a disappointing boyfriend for a very long time.
Yang Guo: AH! * Groans as she undergoes a mental breakdown, watching her world fall apart. Yang Guo eventually feigns fainting  *
KeZhong: WAH! * Catches Yang Guo as she collapses * I was only joking with you! I didn’t say anything!
Yang Guo: * Breathes…and comes back to life! * REALLY?!
KeZhong: Really.
Yang Guo: Why did you lie to me?! You scared me! If that happened, I would’ve probably been beat up by my sister. At least my sister won’t be auctioning my lungs and kidney. Oh, so close * Smiles silly-ly *

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