Hunter X Hunter: Addicting and lovable

First published in June 1998, Hunter X Hunter is a popular weekly manga series about a 12-year-old boy, Gon, who is in search of his father (manga is basically Japanese graphic novel). He follows in his father’s footsteps to become a hunter, or an individual who has proven himself/herself to be a member of the elite in society through a mentally and physically rigorous exam(the Hunter Exam) where hundreds apply, but only a handful pass. Later chapters focuses on Gon’s adventures as becomes stronger (the battles at Heaven’s Arena and the auction incident at York Shin), searches for his father (the video game Greed Island), and saves the world from destruction (the Chimera Ants invasion).

Hunter X Hunter does an excellent job of grabbing the reader’s attention early on, thus making it an extremely addicting manga, like many other popular series. Mangaka (manga artist) Yoshihiro Togashi combines supernatural powers into each one of his characters, but not without leaving some humane personality traits. Each character in the manga has his own mysterious aura of expertise, and some, a goal to achieve. While physical abilities never fail to astonish the audience, mental and emotional traits are also important. Protagonists carry a feeling of determination and persistence that allows them to get back up after falling down as well as a sympathy and respect for others, showing that they are both physically and mentally strong. Although the antagonists appear heartless and eager to kill, they also have a strong respect for their leader, one that allows them to voluntarily sacrifice everything in order to ensure his safety and well-being. With complex, lovable characters and an action-packed adventure plotline, readers will find themselves unable to stop reading. I speak from experience when I say that this series can kill some time off of your hands (you have been warned).

Character Analysis

Gon-a free-spirited and motivated youngster. It is said that a hunter is loved by all animals, an ability that manifests in Gon as he touches the hearts of wild animals and humans alike. He readily defends the weak and injured that other, more professional and experienced hunters would abandon. His determination to become strong enough to protect the weak and fight for justice, as well as to find and meet his father, is admirable. Gon has made drastic improvements in terms of physical ability; however, he still mentally embodies the naïve and impulsive mental mindset of a 12-year-old. Occassionally, his innocent mind does cause him to say an intellectually-arousing comment with a simple thought process that only a child could come up with. Gon enjoys the challenges he faces and the fun he has friends (mainly the people touched by his unrefrainable trust in others and maturity). The audience will respect the extent of his maturity and determination, and enjoy his immature side (aka: comic relief).

Killua-a potentially violent and explosive child on the outside, but sensitive and caring on the inside. As the child, and potential heir, of an assassin family, Killua was raised in isolation and has been trained to kill instantly and swiftly, rarely showing any signs of emotion afterwards. As a result of his assassin-training, Killua is agile, quiet, intelligent, and immune to many poisons and pain. Togashi repeatedly reminds the audience that Gon has become Killua’s savior, as Gon saves Killua from losing his last strings of humanity and preventing the young assassin from falling into the dark side of despair and loneliness that his family profession offers. Thus, the two boys pair up to be a physically and mentally dynamic duo, where Gon embodies the team’s spirit and Killua, the team’s brain and, for most of the time, the team’s menacing aura. Together, we, as readers, follow Gon and Killua’s exciting adventures as they fight “the bad guys” and train to become stronger.

Kurapika– a mysterious individual with a grudge. Vengeance against the individuals who murdered and stole the eyes of his clan members motivates him to push himself to his limit in order to become stronger. At the mention or sight of a spider (the logo of the culprits), Kurapika tenses and is reminded of his grudge (his eyes physically becomes ruby red with emotion–anger, hatred, revenge). He becomes overwhelmed with vengeance and often gains a boost in physical strength while he is in this state. However, the cost is emotionally and mentally instability–he must defeat his enemy at all cost (no mercy allowed). Despite this, Kurapika has some self-restraint; no matter how close he is to exterminating his enemies, Kurapika places friendship, and the safety of his friends, above everything else. Although from first glance he seams gentle and unthreatening, he is a formidable opponent and a powerful ally, someone you do not want to be enemies with.

Leorio-a clueless, impulsive man. Although not as talented as Gon or Killua in combat or sensitivity of his surroundings, Leorio has the makings of an excellent doctor. He is calm, yet assertive and confident in urgent life-threatening situations. However, most of the time he’s the one who gets caught up in a dangerous situation and needs to be saved by one of his companions (not the best person to be in the middle of the action, no). A loyal and trustworthy companion, Leorio takes on the role of an older brother when he is with Gon and Killua. Despite the disadvantages he has when compared to Gon, Killua, and Kurapika, Leorio is especially handy in giving advice about social interactions and finances to the two youths.

Hisoka– a bored man who enjoys life-threatening fights as entertainment; a silent, quick killer. He is a member of the Phantom Troupe, the group that killed Kurapika’s clan (but Hisoka was not a part of the massacre; he joined the Troupe later on). As the bloodcurdling magician of the group, Hisoka can transform the edges of cards into knives. In seconds, any opponent of Hisoka may lose a body part/s may have been sliced off, leaving him either fatally wounded or dead before he realizes. He also has an ability that allows him to materialize an invisible rubber/bubble gum-like entity. He is absolutely merciless towards weak opponents, but also patient and tolerant, even willing to protect and push people to just the right extent. He does this especially when waiting for individuals with potential to blossom–his eyes are set on our protagonist Gon for the time being. For the time being, Gon is safe…until Hisoka believes he’s a worthy opponent.

Biscuit-a strict, yet kind-hearted mentor. Gon and Killua meet her in a not-so-virtual video game called Greed Island, a video game developed by Gon’s father that transports the player to a different part of the world. She is initially touched by Gon and Killua’s strong, loyal friendship and childish personalities, but soon becomes annoyed that they are not harnessing and utilizing their abilities to the fullest. Unable to quietly observe children with much potential, Biscuit decides to take matters into her own hands and trains them. She rigorously pushes Gon and Killua to become more aware of their surroundings and fight stragetically, but never requests anything that is impossible. Although Biscuit appears to be a defenseless child, she is actually a 59-year-old muscular woman, and is extremely strong when it comes to a one-on-one fight.

Chimera Ants-The vast majority of recent Hunter X Hunter chapters focuses on Gon and Killua’s adventures with the Chimera ants, or human-sized ants that devour everything in order to reproduce (elements of their prey is incorporated in the offsprings). The most recent delicacy? Humans, especially hunters who can control their Chi, the inner energy source that gives the user a boost in power as well as a special ability. The ants quickly enjoy the sport of killing humans for the thrill of the hunt, becoming more heartless and ruthless in their actions and treatment of corpses (both humans and ants). However, most are self-sacrificing, especially when it comes to the protection and well-being of their leader.

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